2022 was not a good year. Part of me wants to say it was a waste of my time. But that’s never true. You always learn things regardless of the goodness – or lack of goodness – in anything. And just because it wasn’t good as a whole, doesn’t mean that fun and exciting things didn’t take place. There were a lot of fun moments to 2022. But here’s hoping 2023 is a better year!
Things I solidified about myself in 2022:
- I love snow.
- Water is my most favorite drink, but I won’t turn down a Negroni or a glass of Shiraz.
- I do not thrive in small places: small cities, small schools, small communities. This has been a hard lesson for me to learn!
- All of my senses need to firing on high all the time. It’s exhausting, but it’s what feeds my soul.
- I enjoy sleep way more than I used to and get close to 8 hours a night or through naps. That’s a whole 3 hours more than I used to get!
- While I was not raised in Nashville, I feel like it has reared me as a human. I’m very thankful for this.
- Elephant sisters are important to have.
- My identity is wrapped tightly to my job. So if the job’s not a right fit or not going well, my entire life is out of whack.
- Binging streaming shows is super fun, but it does nothing for my health. Turn off the boob tube and take a walk. I’ve cancelled all of my streaming channels except for one. This is huge!
- Making art can come and go in my life and that’s okay. I’m still a very creative person.
- I love learning new things all the time. This is also exhausting, but important to me.
- I enjoy listening to books more than reading them.
- Friends that I still have from second grade continue to be some of the most wonderful people I have ever met.
- Adventure is my life blood.
- Usually people are mostly good, but there are some who are not. People show you who they are in the first couple of minutes that you know them. Listen and take notice. Also a tough lesson to learn!
- I don’t like coffee. I keep trying, but it’s just not good to me. Goodbye coffee.
- I enjoy independence and being by myself on most occasions. I’m grateful for characters like Miss Havisham, the grandma in Moana, and other eccentric ladies of advanced age.
- My pets like being back in Asia where they are both from (cat is Qatari and dog is Chinese). I’m not sure how they recognize this, but my guess is there is a smell that they both pick up on. It’s fascinating to experience!
- Community can be built anywhere that willingness exists.